Voice In Action Film and Drama Academy
Contact Acting Classes & Lessons for Kids in Land En Zeezicht
Request QuoteBook Acting Classes & Lessons for Kids in Land En Zeezicht
Request BookingBusiness Address: Louw Avenue Land En Zeezicht 7130 Western Cape
Additional Information
Business contacts Jennifer Pietersen
Your Industry Qualification B.Drama (M.A) - Stellenbosch University
Kids age groups 4-6 years old, 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old, 15-18 years old
Cafeteria on site: No
Costs Per term
Details of these costs R480 for drama; R780 for filmmaking
Opening & Closing time 08:30 - 18:00
Special Offers
This business has no special offers.
This business has no events.
1013-04-2016RatedReport Review5Voice In Action TOPS!!I would definitely recommend Voice-in-Action drama school. My daughter has been a pupil there since it opened and loves it. Being an only child I was worried that she would battle to “find her voice” with friends who have siblings, but drama has given her the confidence to not only speak up, but to speak out. Confident enough to take part in Eisteddfods for poetry and in grade 8 in high school, she took part in public speaking for the first time, and was awarded GOLD. She is now in grade 10 and is looking forward to participating in debates in the future.Answer from Voice In Action Film and Drama Academy on 01-02-2018:Thank you for the wonderful feedback. We love seeing how children grow in confidence in our Academy!
Expert Articles
This business has no expert articles.
Business Categories
This business offers the following services or products:
- Acting Classes & Lessons
- Extra Curricular
- Theatre Classes & Lessons
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