Swimmattix Swim School
Contact Swimming Schools for Kids in Pinelands
Request QuoteBook Swimming Schools for Kids in Pinelands
Request BookingBusiness Address: 7 Libertas Road Pinelands 7405 Western Cape
Additional Information
Business contacts Swimmattix Swim School
Your Industry Qualification Swimming Teacher
Registered Child Care provider Yes
Kids age groups 0-3 years old, 4-6 years old, 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old, 15-18 years old
Wheelchair access Yes
Cafeteria on site: Yes
Costs Per session / class, Short term contract
Details of these costs Swimmattix works on a flat monthly fee
Opening & Closing time 08H00 - 20H00 (depending on venue, times do vary)
Special Offers
This business has no special offers.
This business has no events.
Jeni04-08-2016RatedReport Review5Best swim school in the Western CapeThe best teachers around, top facilities - you won't be sorry joining this family. Highly recommended! They are also one of few who have international qualifications and can teach from 3 weeks. If you not swimming with them, join today.
Andrew03-03-2016RatedReport Review5Swimmattix the place to beif you want your child to swim, in a professional and fun environment you won't find a better place than Swimmattix Swim School. There is something different that makes them stand out from the rest, they do what other swim schools cannot.
Expert Articles
This business has no expert articles.
Business Categories
This business offers the following services or products:
- Aquatic Centres
- Swimming Pools
- Swimming Schools
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At ActiveActivities our mission is to connect parents and carers with providers of activities for kids and make it quick and easy to find, compare and select the best providers based on your needs and location. We are building the most complete online marketplace for kids activities in South Africa where providers for events for kids, general activities and school holiday activities can be found and contacted in a few clicks.
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