Scouts for Kids
Are you in search of a kids' activity that will promote your child's mental, social, and physical development? How about the Scouts? The first Boy Scouts organisation was founded in England as a way to teach boys survival skills, hard work, and comradeship. The first New Zealand Boy Scout camp was started in 1908, and Scouts New Zealand is now a national movement and community institution, which provides a wide range of camps and activities for children of all ages.
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Indoor Play Park for Kids
Are your young kids exploding with energy? Do you need a place to help them burn it off? An indoor play park is a quick, affordable way for your children to play around without destroying the house or garden!
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Ki Ken Tai Ichi – Mind, Sword and Body as One
Japanese Swordsmanship is much more than just swinging a wood or steel sword around. It can be broken down into the forging of the mind and the body and becoming one with the sword. The ultimate mastery of Japanese Swordsmanship lies in the unification of these three aspects into one. The mind, body and sword must move as one. This article dives into the intricate challenges to achieving this ultimate goal of swordsmanship.
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Accordion For Kids
Try something different with this unique musical instrument!<br><br>It is often heard in Eastern European folk music.<br> Give your child a cultural as well as a musical experience with the accordion!
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Why do I need an instructor?
We live in a day and age where there is an abundance of freely available information. All you have to do is hit up Google and you can find thousands of videos and articles on how to do anything, including how to play the guitar. ”Why do I need to fork out money then for an instructor?” you might ask yourself.
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The Impact of Soccer's History on South African Soccer Clubs and Youth
Today, many South African soccer clubs boast state-of-the-art facilities, well-maintained fields, and top-notch training equipment. These resources are instrumental in creating a safe and conducive environment for children to learn and play.
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Art schools for kids
Art makes kids smarter! Looking for a productive way to spend your kids’ school holidays? Try an art school for kids!
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Beach Sports for Kids
A great way to enjoy the weekend with your family! Most beach sports are accessible to kids of all ages. Learn what you need to know about the kinds of sports you can play on the beach with your kids.
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Themed Birthday Parties for Children
Whether you're a baking pro or prefer to leave it to the experts, the cake is an essential element. You can opt for a cake decorated with characters from your chosen theme or get creative with cake toppers and edible decorations.
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Seven Reasons to Learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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Movie Theatres for Kids
Who doesn't love going to the movies? Choosing between regular cinemas, extensive multiplexes, drive ins, massive IMAX theatres, or Event Extreme Screensis your only dilemma!
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Selecting the Perfect Basketball Club for Your Child in South Africa
The Basketball coaches and instructors at the club play a pivotal role in your child's development. They are not just mentors but also role models. Take the time to meet the coaching staff and assess their qualifications, experience, and coaching philosophy.
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Ballet Dancing for Kids
A graceful and academic art that your child will love to perform. They can start learning from any age and will learn discipline and elegance among the many other benefits this classical art provides.
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Athletics for Kids
Get your kids to try athletics sports, they'll surely find one they want to specialise in! From jumping, runnning (long distances or speed), hammer, and many other disciplines, athletics provides a wide set of sports that your kid will love taking part in individually or as a member of a team.
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Water Play Parks for Kids
Are you looking for a way to keep your kids cool during the sweltering South African summer? A water play park could be the answer. A water play park offers a number of attractions, games and rides all based around water. Think fountains, slides, tunnels, and pools!
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Contemporary Dance for Kids
Let your child express themselves through contemporary dance, a great way for them to dance in a less academic and fun way. Your kids will learn how to get creative while performing this original dance style.
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Hip Hop Dance for Kids
Are your kids born performers? If your kids love to dance and perform death defying stunts, then they might like to channel their energy into hip hop dancing.
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