Pony Riding for Kids
Jump in the saddle for a fun family activity!<br>Small children can enjoy a simple pony ride at a fete or show while older kids can hit the trails or compete in pony games!
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A Parent's Guide to Finding the Right Karate Dojo for Your Child in South Africa
Delve into the class structure and the grand plan for learning. How do they nurture those skills? Is there a mix of play and practice? Find out how classes are grouped based on age and skill levels. A well-structured plan means your child is in for a dynamic Karate adventure.
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Aquatic Centres for Kids
For fun and fitness, get your kids to an aquatic centre! Aquatic centres are common throughout South Africa and provide a great opportunity for parents and kids to enjoy a vast array of water based activities, swimming lessons to pool parties.
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Rugby Union for Kids
The sport of kings! Your kids will love this team and contact sport. The development of strategic skills, physical strength, and team spirit are just a few of the benefits rugby union can provide to your kids!
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Baseball for Kids
If your kids are team players who are looking for something new, they might like to try baseball. Baseball can be a fabulous activity for kids with energy to burn.
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Conservation Parks for Kids
Nothing beats spending time together with the family in the splendour of New Zealand's beautiful wilderness! Discover many species that cannot be found elsewhere in the world!
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BMX racing for kids
Let your kids pedal through rough terrains and cross the finish line! BMX racing for kids is a great opportunity to develop kids’ cycling skills.
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Surfing for Kids
Your kids will love surfing and will enjoy this amazing sport with friends! They'll get in touch with nature, and discover the real benefits of this famous water sport.
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Angling for Kids
Angling - fishing with a hook and line - is a popular family activity, and a great way to spend a sunny afternoon. Angling can be both a relaxing experience, or a fiercely competitive sport.
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Karate 101: Unleashing the Power of Martial Arts for Young South Africans
Karate demands attentive practice and mindful execution of techniques, assisting in enhancing your child's ability to concentrate in both academic and personal pursuits.
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Exploring Gymnastics in South Africa: Finding the Perfect Age to Start!
While age is a useful guideline, your child's interest and enthusiasm are the true indicators of readiness. If they're always tumbling around the living room, pretending the couch is a balance beam, it might be a sign that they're eager to give gymnastics a whirl.
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Badminton for Kids
Badminton - a growing sport that can be played in the backyard or competitively on the court!<br>Great for fitness and fun and one of the activities for kids that can be enjoyed in the backyard during school holidays and weekends!
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Theme Parks for Kids
These parks are a great activity idea to enjoy a great week end in family. Find the one that suits your kids and have a lot of fun! Adventure, water or movie based, you can find one that suits all tastes!
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Clarinet For Kids
If your child is keen to learn a musical instrument, try the clarinet!<br><br>A standard fixture in school bands across the country, the clarinet is easy and fun to play and a great way to start your kids on a musical instrument!
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Fun Gymnastics Games and Challenges for Kids: Keep the Little Ones Active and Smiling!
Divide the kids into teams and let them compete in various gymnastics-inspired challenges like sprints, relay races, and jumping contests. Award medals to the winners and create a lively, competitive spirit.
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Ki Ken Tai Ichi – Mind, Sword and Body as One
Japanese Swordsmanship is much more than just swinging a wood or steel sword around. It can be broken down into the forging of the mind and the body and becoming one with the sword. The ultimate mastery of Japanese Swordsmanship lies in the unification of these three aspects into one. The mind, body and sword must move as one. This article dives into the intricate challenges to achieving this ultimate goal of swordsmanship.
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