Guitar for Kids
Your kids will love playing their favourite songs on the guitar! The guitar is quite simple to learn and easy to carry to school or on holidays. Your kids will be able to play anywhere, anytime.
Read moreConducting for kids
We've all seen refined gentlemen acting as conductors of grand orchestras. But did you know kids lessons are available in music conducting? Learning to conduct is a great exercise for kids which educates them about a range of things about music. It can also improve their brain function and social skills in ways that will benefits lots of other areas of their lives.
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Aquariums for Kids
If your kids need a soothing afternoon, or something to keep the boredom at bay, why not take them to a local aquarium?
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Kick-Starting Soccer: A Guide to Early Engagement
Emphasize the importance of enjoying the game and learning from every experience.
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Youth Centres for Kids
Looking for somewhere your kids can spend time and learn new skills?
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Athletics for Kids
Get your kids to try athletics sports, they'll surely find one they want to specialise in! From jumping, runnning (long distances or speed), hammer, and many other disciplines, athletics provides a wide set of sports that your kid will love taking part in individually or as a member of a team.
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How to Select a Kids Party Venue in South Africa
take the time to read reviews and seek recommendations from fellow parents who have hosted parties at the venue. Their experiences and insights can provide valuable information about the venue's suitability for kids' parties.
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Ballet Dancing for Kids
A graceful and academic art that your child will love to perform. They can start learning from any age and will learn discipline and elegance among the many other benefits this classical art provides.
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Parties and Party Activities for Kids
Do you want to celebrate your child's birthday in style?
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Ki Ken Tai Ichi – Mind, Sword and Body as One
Japanese Swordsmanship is much more than just swinging a wood or steel sword around. It can be broken down into the forging of the mind and the body and becoming one with the sword. The ultimate mastery of Japanese Swordsmanship lies in the unification of these three aspects into one. The mind, body and sword must move as one. This article dives into the intricate challenges to achieving this ultimate goal of swordsmanship.
Read moreKarate - A Martial Art For Everyone
Anyone can pick up a martial art such as karate and take something away from it that will benefit them in more areas of life than just fitness and flexibility. This article talks about why that is, what it can do for a child who is learning and how to choose the correct Sensei.
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Touch Rugby for your Kids
A low risk way to play rugby for boys and girls!<br>Touch rugby, also known as touch football is a form of rugby that has been around since the 1950s.
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Exploring Gymnastics in South Africa: Finding the Perfect Age to Start!
While age is a useful guideline, your child's interest and enthusiasm are the true indicators of readiness. If they're always tumbling around the living room, pretending the couch is a balance beam, it might be a sign that they're eager to give gymnastics a whirl.
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Why do I need an instructor?
We live in a day and age where there is an abundance of freely available information. All you have to do is hit up Google and you can find thousands of videos and articles on how to do anything, including how to play the guitar. ”Why do I need to fork out money then for an instructor?” you might ask yourself.
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Play Parks for your Kids
Try to get your kids to a play park each month, and let them be socially active! Fun, friends, running, playing... Play parks are the best place for your kids to freely express themselves.
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Gymnastics for Kids in South Africa
Gymnastics unfolds as a vibrant palette, casting a spectrum of benefits that enrich the lives of our precious ones. From fostering physical prowess to igniting cognitive brilliance, kindling self-belief, and nurturing bonds that stand the test of time, gymnastics is a canvas painted with strokes of holistic growth. By enrolling our children in gymnastics programs across South Africa, we open the door to an exceptional opportunity—an opportunity for them to thrive, learn, and flourish in a nurturing and dynamic environment.
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Modern Dance for Kids
Do your kids like to dance? If your kids enjoy movement but find traditional dance too restrictive, they might enjoy modern dance instead.
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