Modern Dance for Kids
Do your kids like to dance? If your kids enjoy movement but find traditional dance too restrictive, they might enjoy modern dance instead.
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Indoor Play Park for Kids
Are your young kids exploding with energy? Do you need a place to help them burn it off? An indoor play park is a quick, affordable way for your children to play around without destroying the house or garden!
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How to choose to train in karate
There are many factors to consider when taking up karate, in order to get the most out of your practise. This article examines each of the core areas to consider and explains how they can improve and impact you while you're in and out of class.
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Horse Riding for Kids
Horse riding is a great activity that gives your child contact with animals and nature , and helps develop maturity and responsibility.
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Soccer for Kids
A great team and tactical sport! Soccer, or European football, is a great way for your kids to have fun with friends or family in a park, or professionally in a club. Whether playing competitively or just for fun, your kids will love this game.
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How Art Schools Can Help Children Express Themselves
Give your child the opportunity to nurture Artistic passion by encouraging your child to continue exploring their creativity outside of the classroom. Whether it’s visiting art galleries, participating in community art projects, or simply providing a space at home where they can create, these activities can reinforce the value of art in their lives.
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The Impact of Soccer's History on South African Soccer Clubs and Youth
Today, many South African soccer clubs boast state-of-the-art facilities, well-maintained fields, and top-notch training equipment. These resources are instrumental in creating a safe and conducive environment for children to learn and play.
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How to Select a Kids Party Venue in South Africa
take the time to read reviews and seek recommendations from fellow parents who have hosted parties at the venue. Their experiences and insights can provide valuable information about the venue's suitability for kids' parties.
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Ki Ken Tai Ichi – Mind, Sword and Body as One
Japanese Swordsmanship is much more than just swinging a wood or steel sword around. It can be broken down into the forging of the mind and the body and becoming one with the sword. The ultimate mastery of Japanese Swordsmanship lies in the unification of these three aspects into one. The mind, body and sword must move as one. This article dives into the intricate challenges to achieving this ultimate goal of swordsmanship.
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Aquatic Centres for Kids
For fun and fitness, get your kids to an aquatic centre! Aquatic centres are common throughout South Africa and provide a great opportunity for parents and kids to enjoy a vast array of water based activities, swimming lessons to pool parties.
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Cheerleading for Kids
Cheerleading is a great way to participate in the excitement of sporting events! It is extremely popular among young girls and it can be a great way to improve physical fitness and make friends.
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Skateboarding for Kids
Hit the skate park and have fun ? skateboarding is one of the coolest kids? activities!<br>As well as a social experience, skateboarding can be a great way to keep fit!
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A Parent's Guide to Finding the Right Karate Dojo for Your Child in South Africa
Delve into the class structure and the grand plan for learning. How do they nurture those skills? Is there a mix of play and practice? Find out how classes are grouped based on age and skill levels. A well-structured plan means your child is in for a dynamic Karate adventure.
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Seven Reasons to Learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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Harmonica For Kids
Your child can express their musical talent anywhere with an instrument that fits in their pocket!<br><br>Most often heard in blues and folk music, the harmonica is fun to play and very versatile!
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Unveiling the Wonders of Children's Self Defence Classes
Yes, kids' self defence classes teach kids how to execute moves, but they also teach discipline and focus – skills that extend beyond the mat. The ability to concentrate, set goals, and work diligently to achieve them are invaluable life lessons.
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