Most Popular Kids Activities in Rooihuiskraal (0154) in 2023

Centurion, Gauteng

    Hurricanes Academy was formed in recognition of children and youth, of all nationalities, cultures and gender who are vulnerable and in need of a service and information that would help them realize their full sporting potential. Our aim is to bridge a gap for the misunderstood youth through the power of sport. We run an internal academy that facilitates a variety of sports that enhance athletic talent. This is done by a highly qualified group of coaches and staff for the sporting disciplines... Read more

    Experience preschool as it should be. Bizzy Beez is a leading Early Childhood Development facility situated in Rooihuiskraal, Centurion. We like to think of our facility as the hive where children thrive We provide unrivalled service to children aged 3 months - 6 years. In addition, we offer a safe and punctual transport service exclusively to the children attending Bizzy Beez. We are undeniably unique, culturally diverse, spiritually vibrant and educationally brilliant. Our philosophy... Read more

    We offer Skillz age specific Martial arts classes for kids, Combat Taekwondo, Weapons training, Competition training. We specialise in making students of all ages champions in life through martial arts training. Master West's Taekwondo/Karate has been in business since 1986. We have academies in the following areas of Pretoria: Annlin, this is our headquarter branch! we have been in the same building since 1997. Our Annlin academy is over 200 sq metres and boasts with state of the art equipment.... Read more

    Where affordability and quality counts. We have a passion for children that ensures an optimal learning and growing curve for your child. Roohuiskraal Dagsorg is al vir meer as 15 jaar in besigheid, en ons twyfel nie dat ons nog vir baie jare sal wees nie. Ons word gelei deur ervare en opgeleide bestuur. Ons onderwysers het 'n liefde en passie vir kinders en daarom verseker ons 'n optimale groeikurwe vir U kind. Ons fokus is op die verskaffing van ryk leergeleenthede en opvoedkundige selfstandigheid.... Read more

    We swim 12 months a year in an enclosed, heated indoor pool with spotless amenities. We are a Swim South Africa registered school with experienced and skilled instructors offering you our best. Our structured (Learn-to-Swim) lessons has a big dash of enjoyment (Love-to-Swim) to teach our swimmers (Babies to Grannies) a lifesaving skill. Special Needs welcome. We believe in doing it right, then doing it again, gaining strength and safety step by step. * Baby & Parent Swim Lessons *... Read more

    Centurion Junior Squash is a coaching group where all players from pre-school to Gr. 12 can join with the primary goal to learn the game of squash~ Centurion Junior Squash is 'n groep waar juniors vanaf voorskool tot Gr 12 afrigting ontvang en met passie hulle liefde vir die sport muurbal uitleef! Read more

    Private one-on-one lessons suitable for adults, teens and children. Lessons are tailor made for each individual to suit their personal preferences. Vocal training will give students the confidence to become professional performers and have the ability to use the right techniques. We work towards increasing vocal range, vocal stamina and breathing support..Our classes also include mic technique and stage presentation. Free vocal assessment. Read more

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