Face Painting for Kids
Thinking about a face painting party for your kids? Try hiring a face painter, or, better yet, try doing it yourself! Check out our tips and information on how to make this great party activity as fun and entertaining as possible.
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Exploring Gymnastics in South Africa: Finding the Perfect Age to Start!
While age is a useful guideline, your child's interest and enthusiasm are the true indicators of readiness. If they're always tumbling around the living room, pretending the couch is a balance beam, it might be a sign that they're eager to give gymnastics a whirl.
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Exciting Toddler Gymnastics in South Africa: Keeping Holidays Active and Safe
Toddler gymnastics is an incredible school holiday activity that combines fun, fitness, and social development. It's a safe and enjoyable way to keep your child active during the break. So, whether your little one is flipping, tumbling, or balancing on beams, remember that they are on their way to becoming healthier, more confident, and better-coordinated individuals.
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Crafting Unforgettable Kids' Parties
Capture those magical moments as your child and their friends create memories that will last a lifetime. Kids' parties are all about celebrating the joy and wonder of childhood.
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Activity and Party Planners for Kids
If you want your next kids' party to be a raging success, consider bringing in some professional help: party planners!
Read moreTrack cycling for kids
Introduce your children to track cycling! Looking for healthy and affordable activities for kids? Track cycling could be the perfect option!
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Violins for Kids
Do your kids have an interest in music? They might enjoy learning the violin!
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Baseball for Kids
If your kids are team players who are looking for something new, they might like to try baseball. Baseball can be a fabulous activity for kids with energy to burn.
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Ki Ken Tai Ichi – Mind, Sword and Body as One
Japanese Swordsmanship is much more than just swinging a wood or steel sword around. It can be broken down into the forging of the mind and the body and becoming one with the sword. The ultimate mastery of Japanese Swordsmanship lies in the unification of these three aspects into one. The mind, body and sword must move as one. This article dives into the intricate challenges to achieving this ultimate goal of swordsmanship.
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Seven Reasons to Learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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Surfing for Kids
Your kids will love surfing and will enjoy this amazing sport with friends! They'll get in touch with nature, and discover the real benefits of this famous water sport.
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Golf for Kids
Believe it or not, golf can be played by adults and children of all ages! It is a sport suited both to boys and girls, and lessons can start from any age. If your kids are old enough to pick up a club, they can learn to take a swing!
Read moreKarate - A Martial Art For Everyone
Anyone can pick up a martial art such as karate and take something away from it that will benefit them in more areas of life than just fitness and flexibility. This article talks about why that is, what it can do for a child who is learning and how to choose the correct Sensei.
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Soccer for Kids
A great team and tactical sport! Soccer, or European football, is a great way for your kids to have fun with friends or family in a park, or professionally in a club. Whether playing competitively or just for fun, your kids will love this game.
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Harmonica For Kids
Your child can express their musical talent anywhere with an instrument that fits in their pocket!<br><br>Most often heard in blues and folk music, the harmonica is fun to play and very versatile!
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Swimming for Kids
A great sport for your kids' physical development. It is also really important to learn how to swim well, as it can be very useful for their safety while taking part water sports.
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Aquatic Centres for Kids
For fun and fitness, get your kids to an aquatic centre! Aquatic centres are common throughout South Africa and provide a great opportunity for parents and kids to enjoy a vast array of water based activities, swimming lessons to pool parties.
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