Gnu Kids - Party and Play
Contact Party Venues for Kids in Muldersdrif
Request QuoteBook Party Venues for Kids in Muldersdrif
Request BookingBusiness Address: Plot 78 Zwartkop Muldersdrif 1739 Gauteng
Additional Information
Business contacts Judy
Kids age groups 0-3 years old, 4-6 years old, 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old
Wheelchair access Yes
Cafeteria on site: Yes
Details of these costs R70 entrance fee per person
Opening & Closing time Open Saturday and Sunday
Special Offers
This business has no special offers.
This business has no events.
Anja Wapenaar19-11-2015RatedReport Review5Thank youDear Judy We just want to thank you sincerely for your excellent arrangements made for Luke's 8th birthday party. Gnu Kids is now our favourite place in the world :) . We love the space to walk, run and cycle. We love the play areas and variety of games offered. The food trays and birthday cake was simply delicious and it all looked so festive when we arrived. I think parents and children enjoyed the fresh air, green lawns and clear ponds. Thank you for a birthday party we will always remember!
Henriette O'Riley Potgieter19-11-2015RatedReport Review5DankieJudy, dankie soooooo baie vir 'n wonderlike en pragtige 2de verjaarsdagpartytjie vir ons tweeling! Jy het al die stres van my afgevat en al wat ons moes doen was opdaag :-). Die koek en cupcakes was pragtig en presies soos wat ek in gedagte gehad het en die kos vir die kiddies en grootmense was heerlik! Ons almal het dit verskriklik geniet en die lekkerste van alles is dat daar so baie spasie is vir almal - Kinders kon speel en ouers kon ontspan sonder om heeltyd bekommerd te wees oor waar die kinders is en wat hulle aanvang. Julle sien ons beslis weer!
Expert Articles
This business has no expert articles.
Business Categories
This business offers the following services or products:
- Indoor play centers
- Party Venues
- PlayGrounds
About Us
At ActiveActivities our mission is to connect parents and carers with providers of activities for kids and make it quick and easy to find, compare and select the best providers based on your needs and location. We are building the most complete online marketplace for kids activities in South Africa where providers for events for kids, general activities and school holiday activities can be found and contacted in a few clicks.
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