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Skating Activities for Kids
Best match results for skating activities for kids in South Africa + 5km.
Developing figure skating in South Africa and Pretoria. We are a non profit association and would like to grow the sport in South Africa .GNFSA consist of two clubs, Evolution on Ice and SA School Of Skating. Read more
We offer roller skating classes from beginner to advanced, focusing on artistic, figure and free-style/dance. We are assisted by a Roller skating judge. Adults are also welcomed to join. Classes are on a Sunday mid-day only, 12:00 - 13:30. The hall is open from 11:30 - 14:00 A standard program is followed for beginners going through different levels, from beginners that have never skated before. These levels are used internationally. Skaters can only move on to the next level by passing the previous... Read more
The ice hockey club was established at the Durban Ice Rink in January 2012. Practices are however now every Sunday morning at the GALLERIA ICE RINK at 07h30 to 08h30 for advanced players and 08h30 to 09h30 for beginners/developmental players. Loan kit IS available but booking is essential. Beginners are very welcome. Read more