- Cambridge, Eastern Cape
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- Awards: #11 Most Popular in East London for 2024
Judo Activities for Kids in East London
Eastern Cape
Best match results for judo activities for kids in East London + 5km.
Judo classes and assistance with self defence. All welcome. Qualified instructors available at all times. Olympic sport. Read more
All locations
Eastern Cape
East London
- Abbotsford
- Amalinda
- Arcadia
- Arnoldton
- Baysville
- Beacon Bay
- Belgravia
- Berea
- Blue Bend
- Bonnie Doone
- Bonza Bay
- Braelyn
- Brookmead
- Brookville
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Pass Heights
- Bunkers Hill
- Cambridge
- Cambridge Loc
- Cambridge West
- Central
- Chiselhurst
- Clifton Park
- Collondale
- Constantia
- Cove Rock
- Dawn
- Dorchester Heights
- East London City
- Esplanade
- Fort Grey
- Gately
- Glendevon
- Greenfields
- Haven Hills
- Highgate
- Highway Gardens
- Kaysers Beach
- Kei Mouth
- Kwelera
- Lennox Est
- Madlambo
- Mdakeni
- Mdantsane
- Milner Est
- Minerva Park
- Morgans Bay
- Morningside
- Nahoon
- Nahoon Dam
- Nahoon Valley
- Nahoon Valley Park
- Needs Camp
- Newlands
- Noordeinde
- North Bank
- North End
- Ocean View
- Orange Grove
- Panmure
- Quigney
- Reeston
- Regent Park
- Rhodes Park
- Rosedale Park
- Rosemount
- Saxilby
- Scenery Park
- Signal Hill
- Southernwood
- Stirling
- Stoneydrift
- Summerpride
- Sunnyridge
- Sunrise On Sea
- Sunset Bay
- Vincent
- Vincent Gardens
- Vincent Heights
- Vincent Heights East
- Vincent Heights West
- West Bank
- Willow Park
- Wilsonia
- Winchester Gardens
- Winterstrand
- Woodbrook
- Woodleigh
East London
Eastern Cape
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