Judo Associations for Kids
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Judo coaching in Bloemfontein for children from 6 years of age, especially for the girls. Home of champions. It will help with self-esteem, co-ordination and self defence. The coaches: Sensei Jannie Kruger (2nd Dan Black Belt) and Sensei Herman Kruger (1st Dan Black Belt). Both of them South African Masters Champions in their categories. Judo afrigting in Bloemfontein vanaf 6 jarige ouderdom. Dit is 'n noodsaaklikheid vir die meisies vandag. Huis van kampioene. Dit help met self respek, koördinasie... Read more
The GK Judo Club was established in 2018 to provide the township of Khayelitsha and its surroundings with development programs that have to do with Martial Arts and Cognitive Developments of every child we get to work with to provide a strategic involvement and parental support in our respective communities. Objective To ensure that the development program of Judo in the school is achieved and all successful athletes get to represent their club in the provincial and national events through... Read more
We teach self-defense and life skills through the martial art of Judo. Producing exceptional athletes with ethical and moral strength on and off the mat. Open to all ages! Judo is a self-defense martial art that teaches its students (Judoka) to gain control over an attacker without striking him or her. It is a method of turning an opponent's strength and balance against him or her and overcoming by skill rather than sheer strength. Kazuno Judo (Pty) Ltd. is a family-run dojo headed by Sensei... Read more
Harmony "Dojo of Champions" Judo Club in South Africa. Harmony Judo was established in 1997 under the leadership of Anton, a 2nd Dan SA Coach. Passionate about the sport and the Hunger in teaching his students. Specializing in Judo, Kusrash and Grappling. New students accepted from age four and up. Read more
Judo classes and assistance with self defence. All welcome. Qualified instructors available at all times. Olympic sport. Read more
Alwyn Grobbelaar Head Coach/Sensei started the Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club SA on August. 2005. Freestyle Judo South Africa Organization Alliance was formed 2018 under the umbrella of the International Freestyle Judo alliance (IFJA) to current Alwyn is a Yondan (4th Grade Black Belt) Freestyle Judo and Sandan (3rd Grade Black Belt) JSA Judo Our approach is to develop well-rounded, skilled and confident athletes in both sport and self-defense. All areas of skill are emphasized. Skill... Read more
Judo training for kids from age 4 to adults. Judo is a rigorous and demanding physical activity. The practice of judo techniques helps people develop basic and fundamental physical fitness in a number of ways, such as the development of strength, flexibility, agility, speed, dynamic and static balance, explosive power, and endurance. The practice of active attack and defence helps develop reaction time, coordination, and overall physical self-confidence. Judo students become physically bigger, stronger,... Read more
- 61 Korhaan Avenue, Monumentpark 0181, Gauteng
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We offer judo as an extramural activity at schools with the focus on developing skills such as agility, balance and coordination, whilst developing listening skills, discipline and methods of combating bullying. We also offer training in the evenings at our club for more serious competitive judokas who wish to further their competitive careers. We have had a tremendous amount of success over the past decade, with more than 200 national champions, numerous international medal winners, and more than... Read more
We are the oldest and most successful judo dojo in the country. Our coaches are highly qualified to coach. Our dojo started in1953 by the founder member of judo in South Africa Sensei Joe Knoester. Our class times are : Mondays Novice 3 to 4pm Mixed 4 to 5pm Advanced 5 to 6pm Seniors 6h30pm to 8pm Tuesdays Nursery 2h15 to 2h45 Mixed 3h00 to 4h00 Wednesdays Seniors 6h30pm to 8pm Fridays Beginners 3h30 to 4h30pm... Read more