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Sport Activities for Kids - Stellenbosch
Western Cape
Best match results for sport activities for kids in Stellenbosch + 5km.
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to the start of something beyond crazy and fun. The significance of Aqua Crazy Swim School is well known by many. The accomplishment of what the company itself has strived for and much more to come. All Teachers are accredited and experienced in various swimming techniques. All teachers are registered annually via Western Provice and Swim South Africa. Swimming is a LIFE skill which is fundamental for child’s development. We at Aqua Crazy share the... Read more
Stellenbosch Aquatics offers swimming lessons to children from ages 6 and older. Our lessons are offered from the Virgin Active, Eikestad Mall, Stellenbosch and older children move into the outdoor pool at the Coetzenberg Swimming Pool. Our coaches are qualified through Swim South Africa and are passionate about water safety and encouraging children to grow into Active-for-Life adult swimmers. When you learn to swim properly, you enjoy the sport more. Learning to swim all the strokes (Freestyle,... Read more
We create experiences which connect your mind and body, and give you a chance to rediscover your spirit. Our specialized and diverse team of guides and educators find their fulfilment in the unique interaction we have with each adventurer. We look forward to building new bonds by sharing our knowledge and personal experience of our landscape with you. Our journey together lets you move in your own way, exploring your rhythm and connection with new people and places. The lion has travelled mother... Read more
Highly modern coaching, featuring the most up to date approaches and technology, in a great setting, for all ability levels. Read more
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Ons wil jou nooi om die stad bietjie te ontsnap en plaas toe te kom vir ‘n kuier. Hier moet jy lief wees vir diere, want ons het heelwat plaasdiere wat beide kinders en grootmense vermaak en laat oohhh en aaaah... Los al die grille en geite in die stad en kom vertroetel ons diere kinders of kom voer van hulle selfs. Bring die kinders en kom kyk gerus – maak net seker julle was julle hande na die cuddles. Ons is nie jou tipiese restaurant nie, maar daar is “slow-food” met die heerlike koffie... Read more
KIDSWIM was established 18 yrs ago in Somerset West. A forerunner in using gentle fun- loving, effective and child friendly methods of teaching babies and toddlers to swim. Experienced well trained teachers - passionate about their work! Hundreds of happy swimmers have 'hatched' in out water. Enclosed heated pool in pretty garden surrounds. A warm, happy, family orientated learning environment! Read more
Karate Association Shukokai has been in active since 1974. The club was started by Shihan Wallace Fourtuin and operates primarily in Mitchells Plain. It has now been expanded to Kuilsriver and Mandalay respectively. Read more
We are a Martial Arts Gym located in Brackenfell, Bellville and Paarl with 2 smaller Development Clubs that help the less fortunate. Tricore Martial Arts gym is family orientated and aims towards discipline and growth in every individual. Tricore Martial Arts Gym is open from 9am to 9pm Mondays to Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays we have small and short training sessions. Martial Arts helps with weight loss and helps in the everyday day-to-day life. Martial Arts helps with socialising, learning to... Read more
Two FREE Classes
Validity: from 01 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2025
Enrolments are open! Enquire below if you would like to take up classes with our expert team. Come try TWO free classes before you sign up! We're sure that you will love our dojo's friendly, hardworking atmosphere. TUESDAYS | THURSDAYS: Kids/Beginners 18:05 - 19:00 Teens/Adults 19:05 - 20:00 The Reserve 1, Unit 5, 8 Capricorn Way - Brackenfell (Behind Shoprite DC) Book your TWO free classes with us, please Whatsapp or phone us.
Aquatechniques School of Swimming was founded in 1993 and over the years our teachers have taught thousands of children from the Helderberg, Overberg, Boland and even visitors from all over South Africa and the rest of the world to swim. - Classes - Our classes are 20 minutes with maximum 4 children per class. Twice a week, Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu. - Effective - Our teaching methods have been developed over 20 years to give value for money. - Personal Attention - Our teachers are in the water and we... Read more
The Kuils River Cardinals are a proud baseball club based in the Kuils River community. We were established in 2018 and have Junior, Senior and Masters teams. We have our home ground at the Jagtershof sports facility. Baseball is a summer sport played between October and March with a mid-season break during December. We welcome new members no matter your level of experience and we have equipment to start practicing with. Please contact us via our website or social media page to find out when... Read more
Kids Krav Maga - Age appropriate self defence and anti bullying techniques taught in a safe, fun and empowering weekly class, for kids age 6 - 13. You don't need to be fit or strong to be able to do Krav Maga. Come as you are! Classes available in Somerset West and Stellenbosch. Contact us today to book a free intro class. Teens and Adults classes also offered. Read more
Baby Hydrotherapy and massage for babies who need assistance with the management of teething, colic, constipation, digestive issues and much more. Please contact us directly at zero six two three three zero one nine nine four or zakamaswim at g mail dot com or please leave your contact details for us in the notes section Read more