Bikes & Cycling Activities for Kids in Western Cape
Best match results for bikes & cycling activities for kids in Western Cape.
KAROO VIEW 4 STAR COTTAGES PRINCE ALBERT We would like to welcome you to our child, wheelchair and pet friendly 4 Star Self-Catering Karoo View Cottages and Guest House. Luxurious yet married with your “home from home" comforts. Magnificent views overlooking the Swartberg Mountains, within safe and easy walking distance into the village of Prince Albert only 350m away. If you are dreaming of wide open vistas, spectacular views, peace, tranquility, sun rises, sun sets and clear starry nights,... Read more
- Knysna City, Western Cape
- Business can travel to you
The TRAIL GUIDE mobile application for South Africa's mountain biking and hiking trails is a comprehensive tool to get you outdoors, hiking, cycling or trail running through the best of South African scenery with the greatest of ease. TRAIL GUIDE SOUTH AFRICA is a more than just FREE trail locator, it's a fantastic tool to plan your holiday, weekend away or day outdoors. There are hundreds of Mountain bike and Hiking trails throughout South Africa including the essential information like GPS maps,... Read more
AWOL Tours is a leading outdoor adventure specialist providing hiking and cycling excursions in Cape Town. We have a wide range of bicycle equipment from kid seats, bicycle tow bars to junior bikes of various sizes. Conveniently located at the V&A Waterfront and open 7 days a week, families can rent bicycles and equipment at any time. We also cater for bicycle birthday parties and family friendly tours customised to suit cycling abilities and interests. We look forward to planning your families perfect... Read more
Ons wil jou nooi om die stad bietjie te ontsnap en plaas toe te kom vir ‘n kuier. Hier moet jy lief wees vir diere, want ons het heelwat plaasdiere wat beide kinders en grootmense vermaak en laat oohhh en aaaah... Los al die grille en geite in die stad en kom vertroetel ons diere kinders of kom voer van hulle selfs. Bring die kinders en kom kyk gerus – maak net seker julle was julle hande na die cuddles. Ons is nie jou tipiese restaurant nie, maar daar is “slow-food” met die heerlike koffie... Read more
Central reservation office for Weekend and Holiday break a ways: Hiking, mountain bike, quad & 4x4, horse trails, fishing, canoeing, abseiling. Big group camps, school/ youth/ church camps, chalets, lodges, cottages, team building, conference and function venues, caravan and camping sites on private game farms and nature reserves. 40 + venues to choose from. Read more
A premium range of fun, funky and functional children's mobility products. YBIKE products are all about teaching children how to balance and encouraging the development of gross motor-skills. Our products promote the development of vital balancing, coordination, steering skills and encouraging independent play. Read more