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Soccer Activities for Kids - Edenvale
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This program is targeted to beginners and elite soccer players who wants to improve their ball control and coordination skills by juggling the balls with basic exercises games. We help players to unlock their non dominant side with simplified method of exercises with basic fundamental. Our pay off line is " We don't teach tricks, we J'eXercise" Read more
Nobody needs extra special characteristics in order to play soccer unlike some other sports. It doesnt matter whether a player is a boy or girl, is short or tall, anyone can take up soccer and become one of the Greats. Football Kids Academy strives to encourage the sheer enjoyment of soccer and is driven by imparting a positive attitude towards the game on all of our players. We assist in developing gross motor skills, social skills and concentration while incorporating a Football environment... Read more
To keep your children safe and stimulated during the school holidays, bring them to Holiday Kamp while you get on with your daIlyich activities. Activities include: arts and crafts, sports and many more. .... Read more
Child development soccer program for grassroots. Operate at school level with different program designed to cater for kids at their different development phase. Read more