Ball Sport Activities for Kids in eThekwini
Best match results for ball sport activities for kids in eThekwini + 5km.
Validity: from 01 Feb 2025 to 30 Nov 2025
Cricket player assessments are conducted to evaluate the skills, abilities, and potential of individual players. These assessments help in identifying strengths, areas for improvement, and overall performance levels. Here are some key aspects that may be evaluated in a cricket player assessment: It’s important to note that cricket player assessments can vary based on the context, level of play, and the organization conducting the assessment. Professional assessments may involve more detailed analysis, advanced technology (e.g., video analysis, biomechanics), and involve multiple evaluators. These assessments play a significant role in talent identification, player development, and selection processes in cricket.
Nobody needs extra special characteristics in order to play soccer unlike some other sports. It doesnt matter whether a player is a boy or girl, is short or tall, anyone can take up soccer and become one of the Greats. Football Kids Academy strives to encourage the sheer enjoyment of soccer and is driven by imparting a positive attitude towards the game on all of our players. We assist in developing gross motor skills, social skills and concentration while incorporating a Football environment... Read more
Busyballers is a sports programme for children two and a half years and older and focuses on introducing them to the wonderful world of sport. Besides the obvious benefits of participating competently in various sporting activities, the Busyballers program works on the development of many essential skills which enhance every aspect of a child’s life. Our Goal The primary objective of Busyballers is to provide the necessary ball skills to ensure a lifetime of enjoyment whilst participating in sport.... Read more
Sunshine Kids Coaching : Golf Starts Here. . . . Our Sunshine kids coaching program focuses on providing your child with the right fundamentals to properly start and enjoy their golf. Our classes run termly on Saturdays and the age groups are from 5yrs to 12 yrs old. The Cost is per term, with a once off joining fee which includes registration and their Sunshine Kids Golf Shirt. Head Coach Paul Bowden is a AAA rated PGA Pro and is assisted by able PGA pros and apprentices as well as local... Read more
The Fundamentals Soccer School offer fun and informative soccer sessions every Saturday morning in the Bluff, Durban area. All kids welcome. It's for begginers and advanced players. The coach is a certified soccer and fitness trainer. He has working experience in SA and UAE. Read more