PlayGroups for Kids in Western Cape
Best match results for playgroups for kids in Western Cape.
Special Offer for the Play Centre ZA
Special Offer for the Play Centre ZA Special Offer for the Play Centre ZA Special Offer for the Play Centre ZA
Prels vir Sy kroon is 'n ekslusiewe speelskool gebasseer teen die voet van Paarlberg. Onder leiding van Elle Pretorius, 'n nie-praktiserende Arbeidsterapeut, sal jou kind in kundige, oplettende en liefdevolle hande die begeleiding kry wat elke ontwikkelende kleuter benodig. Die speelskool se grootte word met oorleg streng beperk tot 6 kleuters, in die 4-en 5 jarige ouderdomsgroep, wat verserker dat jou kind die hooffokus is. Die speel-leer-ontwikkel omgewing word verder geskep met Afrikaans as medium... Read more
We aim to assist a child as a whole and offer Play solutions and play therapy inside and outside of the child's environment as learning adventures. We focus on hand movement activities to strengthen those little hands, tendons and arms. Our activities are all homemade, handmade, homebaked ,homegrown, or homesewn and offers unique fun, filled interactive play. The benefits of our activities are sensory learning, cognitive development, listening skills, fine motor and large muscle groups Read more
Bella Bee Playschool is located in Strand close to the beach. Our Playschool is beautiful and it is a child paradise. Our environment is happy and full of love . We believe in learning through play as children learn the most while they play. We encourage curiosity, creativity and self expression. We cater for individual needs, going the extra mile and giving that personal touch. Read more
* The Little Kickers programme, developed by FA-qualified coaches and nursery school teachers with input from pediatricians, introduces real football skills through exciting group play activities. * The classes help children discover the rewards of regular structured physical exercise, laying the foundation for fit, active, healthy lives. * Opportunities to learn valuable concepts, such as sharing, taking turns, teamwork and listening to instruction are incorporated into the activities. * The... Read more