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Play Activities for Kids - Stellenbosch
Western Cape
Best match results for play activities for kids in Stellenbosch + 5km.
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to the start of something beyond crazy and fun. The significance of Aqua Crazy Swim School is well known by many. The accomplishment of what the company itself has strived for and much more to come. All Teachers are accredited and experienced in various swimming techniques. All teachers are registered annually via Western Provice and Swim South Africa. Swimming is a LIFE skill which is fundamental for child’s development. We at Aqua Crazy share the... Read more
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Ons wil jou nooi om die stad bietjie te ontsnap en plaas toe te kom vir ‘n kuier. Hier moet jy lief wees vir diere, want ons het heelwat plaasdiere wat beide kinders en grootmense vermaak en laat oohhh en aaaah... Los al die grille en geite in die stad en kom vertroetel ons diere kinders of kom voer van hulle selfs. Bring die kinders en kom kyk gerus – maak net seker julle was julle hande na die cuddles. Ons is nie jou tipiese restaurant nie, maar daar is “slow-food” met die heerlike koffie... Read more