Performing Arts School Holiday Activities for Kids in Johannesburg
Best match results for performing arts school holiday activities for kids in Johannesburg + 5km.
Fame Academy Musical Theatre workshops are for kids ages 6 - 16yrs who love Singing, Dancing and Acting. Classes are taught by professional television and theatre performers including actress and producer Vicky Friedman (Chicago, Hairspray, Egoli) Kids get to perform on stage for parents at Theatre on The Square on the final day. Course includes a photo shoot, celebrity guest visit and certificate for completion of the week. Fame Academy is a great way for kids to have fun in the school holidays... Read more
A professional children's theatre dedicated to empower, inspire, entertain and educate young audience in a warm, relaxed and theatrical surrounding. We present professional interactive theatre productions four times a year and we provide touring productions to schools both in Gauteng area and throughout South Africa. We run theatre training workshops classes in drama, singing, dance and holiday camps held year round and holiday camps during government school holidays. CURRENT PRODUCTION A YEAR WITH... Read more
All locations
- Abbotsford
- Alan Manor
- Albertskroon
- Albertsville
- Aldarapark
- Alexandra
- Amalgam
- Argyle
- Armadale
- Atholhurst
- Atholl
- Bagleyston
- Banbury
- Banbury Cross
- Bassonia
- Bedford Gardens
- Bedfordpark
- Bedfordview
- Belgravia
- Bellevue
- Benmore
- Benmore Gardens
- Benrose
- Berario
- Berea
- Berea North
- Bergvlei
- Bertrams
- Bertsham
- Beverley Gardens
- Birdhaven
- Birnam
- Blackheath
- Bloubosrand
- Blue Heaven
- Bordeaux
- Boskruin
- Bosmont
- Braamfontein
- Bramley
- Bramley View
- Brixton
- Broadway
- Bromhof
- Bruma
- Bryanbrink
- Burgersdorp
- Cheltondale
- Chislehurston
- Chrisville
- City Deep
- City West
- Claremont
- Cleveland
- Clynton
- Comptonville
- Corlett Gardens
- Coronationville
- Corriemoor
- Cosmo City
- Cottesloe
- Craigavon
- Craighall
- Craighall Park
- Cresta
- Croesus
- Crosby
- Crown Gardens
- Crown North
- Crystal Gardens
- Cyrildene
- Dalecross
- Daniel Brinkpark
- Darrenwood
- Dennehof
- Dewetshof
- Doornfontein
- Dunhill
- Dunkeld
- Dunkeld West
- Dunsevern
- Duxberry
- Eagle's Nest
- East Bank
- East Town
- Eastcliff
- Edenburg
- Edgardale
- Elandspark
- Electron
- Elladoone
- Ellis Park
- Elsieshof
- Elton Hill
- Eltonhill
- Emmarentia
- Epsom Downs
- Essexwold
- Evans Park
- Fairland
- Fairmount
- Fairmount Ridge
- Fairvale
- Fairview
- Fairways
- Fairwood
- Fellside
- Ferndale
- Ferndale Ridge
- Forbesdale
- Fordsburg
- Forest Hill
- Forest Town
- Formain
- Fourway Gardens
- Fourways
- Fourways North
- Framton
- Franklin
- George Goch
- Gillview
- Glen Atholl
- Glen Kay
- Glenadrienne
- Glenanda
- Glenanda North
- Glenanda South
- Glenesk
- Glenhazel
- Glensan
- Glenvista
- Greenside
- Greenside East
- Gresswold
- Greymont
- Haddon
- Halfway House Estate
- Hawkins Est
- Highlands
- Highlands North
- Hillbrow
- Homestead Park
- Honey Dew
- Houghton
- Hunters Hill
- Hurl Park
- Hurlingham Garden
- Hurlingham View
- Hursthill
- Hyde Park
- Illovo
- Inadan
- Inanda
- Industria West
- Ivory Park
- Jacanlee
- Jan Hofmeyer
- Johannesburg
- Johannesburg Country Club
- Johannesburg North
- Judith's Paarl
- Jukskeipark
- Kelland
- Kelvinview
- Kenilworth
- Kensington
- Kentview
- Kew
- Khyber Rock
- Kibler Park
- Killarney
- Klevehill Park
- Klipriviersberg Est
- Kramerville
- Kwaxuma
- Kya Sand
- La Rochelle
- Lakeview
- Linbro Park
- Linden
- Linksfield
- Linksfield Ridge
- Linmeyer
- Lombardy
- Lombardy East
- Lombardy West
- Lonehill
- Lower Houghton
- Lyndhurst
- Malanshof
- Malvern
- Marlboro
- Marshalltown
- Maryvale
- Mayfair
- Mayfair North
- Mayfair South
- Mayfair West
- Mayfield Park
- Meadowhurst
- Melrose Arch
- Melrose Gardens
- Melrose North
- Melville
- Meredale
- Micor
- Moffat View
- Mondeor
- Montgomery Park
- Montroux
- Moret
- Morning Hill
- Mountain View
- Mulbarton
- Mulbarton South
- Naturena
- New Brighton
- Newlands
- Newtown
- Norscot
- Northcliff
- Northcliff View
- Northern Acres
- Northgate
- Northwold
- Norwood
- Oakdene
- Oaklands
- Observatory
- Oerderpark
- Olivedale
- Ophirton
- Orange Farm
- Orange Grove
- Orchards
- Oriel
- Ormonde
- Osummit
- Paarlshoop
- Pageview
- Parkhurst
- Parklands
- Parkmore
- Parktown
- Parkwood
- Pennyville
- Percelia Est
- Petervale
- Pierneefpark
- Pine Park
- Pine Slopes
- Pinegowrie
- Pioneer
- President Ridge
- Raedene
- Rand View
- Randpark
- Randpark Ridge
- Ranelagh
- Ranleigh
- Raumaraispark
- Regency
- Regent's Park
- Rembrandt Ridge
- Rembrandtpark
- Reuven
- Rewlatch
- Richmond
- Ridgeway
- Riepenpark
- Risana
- Risidale
- Rispark
- River Club
- Riverlea
- Riviera
- Rivonia
- Robertsham
- Robin Acres
- Robin Hills
- Robindale
- Roosevelt Park
- Roospark
- Roseacre
- Rosebank
- Rosettenville
- Rossmore
- Rouxville
- Sandhurst
- Sandringham
- Saxonwold
- Saxonworld
- Selby
- Senaoane
- Senderwood
- Sharonlea
- Silvamonte
- Sloane Park
- South Hills
- Southdale
- Springfield
- St Andrews
- Stafford
- Steeledale
- Strathavon
- Strydompark
- Suideroord
- Sundowner
- Sunningdale
- Sunningdale Ridge
- Sunninghill
- Sunninghill Park
- Sunnyside
- Sunset Acres
- Sydenham
- Sydenham East
- Talboton
- The Hill
- Towerby
- Townsview
- Triomf
- Trojan
- Tshiawelo
- Tulisa Park
- Turf Club
- Turffontein
- Turffontein West
- Unigray
- Valeriedene
- Vandia Grove
- Victoria
- Victory Park
- Viewcrest
- Vrededorp
- Vredepark
- Waterval Est
- Waverley
- Wemmer
- Wesco Park
- Westbury
- Westcliffe
- Westdene
- Whitney Gardens
- Wierda Valley
- Willowild
- Winchester Hills
- Windsor
- Windsor East
- Windsor Glen
- Windsor Park
- Windsor West
- Winston Ridge
- Wynberg
- Yeoville
- Zonneblom
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