- Pine Park Centre, 2 Dalmeny Road, Linden 2195, Gauteng
- Business can travel to you
Country Dancing Classes & Lessons for Kids in Johannesburg
Best match results for country dancing classes & lessons for kids in Johannesburg + 5km.
Started in 2012 by Warren Geyer and Angelique Paunewitz, Evolution Dance specialises in Latin American and Ballroom instruction along with a variety of speciality dances including Argentine Tango and Salsa amongst others. Evolution Dance is focussed on taking all aspects of dancing in South Africa to the next level by offering top class tuition in these various dance styles. We also offer Group Classes in Hip Hop, Contemporary, Ballet and Afro Fusion/House with some of South Africas most reputable... Read more
All locations
- Abbotsford
- Alan Manor
- Albertskroon
- Albertsville
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- Banbury Cross
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- Benmore Gardens
- Benrose
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- Craighall Park
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- Hurlingham View
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- Jan Hofmeyer
- Johannesburg
- Johannesburg Country Club
- Johannesburg North
- Judith's Paarl
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- Kelvinview
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- Khyber Rock
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