Party Venues for Kids - Wellington
Western Cape
Best match results for party venues for kids in Wellington + 5km.
Eastern Suburbs Pre-Primary School was established in 1937 to provide quality early learning development to children in Pretoria. The school offers daycare for babies from 3 months and pre-school for children from 1 year to Grade R. The school has qualified teachers and assistants. Included in the fees are 2 full meals, breakfast and lunch, as well as two snacks per day. We are open from 6:30 am - 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday and remain open during the school holidays, only closing in December when... Read more
Welcome to our Virtual Reality Arcade, where your imagination can take flight and your senses come alive! Step into a world of endless possibilities where young and old alike can experience a thrilling adventure like never before. Our cutting-edge VR technology will transport you to another dimension where you can explore far-off lands, engage in heart-pumping battles, and immerse yourself in fantastic worlds beyond your wildest dreams. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you soar through the air,... Read more
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Ons wil jou nooi om die stad bietjie te ontsnap en plaas toe te kom vir ‘n kuier. Hier moet jy lief wees vir diere, want ons het heelwat plaasdiere wat beide kinders en grootmense vermaak en laat oohhh en aaaah... Los al die grille en geite in die stad en kom vertroetel ons diere kinders of kom voer van hulle selfs. Bring die kinders en kom kyk gerus – maak net seker julle was julle hande na die cuddles. Ons is nie jou tipiese restaurant nie, maar daar is “slow-food” met die heerlike koffie... Read more
By Tjokkerland kleuterskool is die dag vol pret en plesier! Met ‘n voldagprogram is daar pret met lessies, liedjies en rympies om te leer, water, sand, speelgoed en maatjies om mee te speel. Ook is daar lekker uitstappies, verjaardae, moeder– en vadersdae wat ons saam vier. Ons het uitstekende personeel wat selfs meer intensiewe voorbereiding doen sodat ons die beste sorg en stimulering vir die kleuters kan bied. Jou kind se behoeftes is vir ons baie belangrik en ons streef... Read more