- Puttick Road, Sundowner 2188, Gauteng
- 5-10 km from Cosmo City
Fancy Dress & Costumes for Kids - Cosmo City (2188)
Best match results for fancy dress & costumes for kids in Cosmo City + 5km.
Other related businesses in and around Cosmo City (within 20km)
- 44 1st avenue, Pine Park 2194, Gauteng
- 10-20 km from Cosmo City
- Overall rating: 5.0
We hire out costumes and dress up items for parties, events, theme weddings, school concerts, end of year office functions,commercials and plays etc. We also specialise in selling and hiring unusual retro style novelty theme items including steampunk tophats, fobwatches and jewellery , Mexican day of the dead accessories,eighties punk accessories,sixties and seventies items , viking hats, game of thrones inspired, halloween items , medieval,western and cowboy,leather gypsy headbands, kids... Read more