Game Reserves for Kids - Oudtshoorn
Best match results for game reserves for kids in Oudtshoorn + 5km.
Cango Wildlife Ranch is considered among the world's top tourist attractions and conservation education destinations on the continent. Situated in the heart of the Garden Route only 3km from the centre of Oudtshoorn, this multi-accredited facility not only takes visitors on a one hour fully-guided tour to view 90 species of mostly endangered animals but is open 365 days of the year. The Ranch offers visitors the once-in-a-lifetime experience of interacting with their select ambassador species. Aside... Read more
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For an experience of a lifetime, come and few all our Exotic Animals like primates, predators and birds. It is the most beautiful Private Zoo with beautiful gardens and Fast food Restaurant. We do have card facilities and no booking required for families. Adults R150 per person and children 2-12 years R80 per child. R100 for pensioners, 2 and younger free of charge if it is a family visits. Bookings needed for School Groups. Read more