- Sadie Coffee, 135A Main Road, Paarl, 7646, Vrykyk 7646, Western Cape
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Education Activities for Kids - Paarl
Western Cape
Best match results for education activities for kids in Paarl + 5km.
Algorithmics Paarl Where kids learn to code & change the world We offer an exciting international programming curriculum for children ages 6 to 17, in a safe and convenient location right on your doorstep! Using a unique combination of offline and online education, the team at Algorithmics Paarl teaches kids the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century in a fun and inspiring way. What we teach: = Coding in Scratch, Python, Lua, and other programming languages = Web development... Read more
Specializing in adventures and team-building; Nobody Famous thrive on designing a wide range of custom events and activities that will catapult your team past mediocrity and into greatness. Our tried-and-tested pre-formed packages have been formulated with the goal to amplify team synergy, boost staff morale and provide all with a genuinely fun time. If there’s something specific you are looking for; we can assist you in fine tuning team objectives and suggest and arrange innovative ways to achieve... Read more
Kiddo Chefs Academy is an educational facility providing holistic education to children, aged 3 to 14 years of age. The curriculum uses food, and all aspects involving food, and specializes in food, science and mathematics. The curriculum will teach learners how to secure, sustain and grow food, and extend further to even how to run, market a business and the restaurant service. Kiddo Chefs Academy has a very unique educational model where it focuses on fun interactive learning. - We offer holiday... Read more
By Tjokkerland kleuterskool is die dag vol pret en plesier! Met ‘n voldagprogram is daar pret met lessies, liedjies en rympies om te leer, water, sand, speelgoed en maatjies om mee te speel. Ook is daar lekker uitstappies, verjaardae, moeder– en vadersdae wat ons saam vier. Ons het uitstekende personeel wat selfs meer intensiewe voorbereiding doen sodat ons die beste sorg en stimulering vir die kleuters kan bied. Jou kind se behoeftes is vir ons baie belangrik en ons streef... Read more
Prels vir Sy kroon is 'n ekslusiewe speelskool gebasseer teen die voet van Paarlberg. Onder leiding van Elle Pretorius, 'n nie-praktiserende Arbeidsterapeut, sal jou kind in kundige, oplettende en liefdevolle hande die begeleiding kry wat elke ontwikkelende kleuter benodig. Die speelskool se grootte word met oorleg streng beperk tot 6 kleuters, in die 4-en 5 jarige ouderdomsgroep, wat verserker dat jou kind die hooffokus is. Die speel-leer-ontwikkel omgewing word verder geskep met Afrikaans as medium... Read more
Other related businesses in and around Paarl
We are a karate club that focus on developing leaders and stronger students for the future. Our style is an old Okinawan style called Shorin-ryu Shorinkan. Affiliated to MASA which means our students can have a change to compete for their South African colours. We also teach the old Okinawan weapons, which makes us a bit different from he other styles. Family, respect and overall development are the main elements of our classes. Please come have a look you are more than welcome to whatch as we train. Read more