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Preschools for Kids - Mpumalanga
Best match results for preschools for kids in Mpumalanga.
Full day facilities from 6:15 to 17:45 - Mondays to Fridays. Half-day facilities from 6:15 to 14:00 - Mondays to Fridays. Aftercare center Gr 1-7 from 13:00 to 17:45 Tutor Center Gr 1-3 from 6:30-13:00 (Impaq Curriculum) Holiday programs during school holidays Educational programs in Afrikaans and English dual medium classes Ample outdoor play areas 4 Areas for different age groups High security Structured, balanced curriculum (6 months to grade R). Formal school program with weekly... Read more
We are a Christian preschool/crèche located in Duvha park , Emalahleni. Our focus is on the future of your kids. We specialise in grooming the kids and strengthening their academic foundation . As the kids are our highest priority we have qualified teachers. Read more
A full day foundation phase. Ages: 1-9 years. Grades: RRR-3. Meals and all resources provided. Read more
Are you a working parent that is Looking for an affordable CRECHE/DAY CARE centre in MIDDELBURG? Your search ends here! We SITUATED OPPOSITE MIDDELBURG OBSERVER ACCEPTING ENROLLMENTS FOR 2017 and 2018 NOW! Read more
Benjamin Bloom once said 33% of a child's total thinking ability is captured before the age of six, a further 42% by the age of 11 and the further 25% from the age of 18. How incredibly important is a child's preschool years then when one keeps in mind that the next 42% and 25% are determined by the quality of the first 33%. In other words, it means that the first 6 years, to a large extent, writes the recipe for a child's school life. That is why we at Goggaliefies believe in four words: Small... Read more
Kiaat Ridge Pre - Primary is a place where early learning takes place under the supervision of qualified pre - school teachers that are passionate about working with children.At Kiaat Ridge Pre - Primary your children are our first priority.Our vision is to develop creative, values in young nurtured minds. Read more
We are are a Pre school we teach children while they play. We love your kids as our own and enjoy teaching them everything the need to know in English and Afrikaans and Zoeloe. We take kids from 0 to 5 years we also have aftercare. We provide food during the day and we have extra activities that is done on a weekly base. At our school your child will have a good foundation full of love we have 4 wonderfull teachers that enjoy to give your child all the attention they need. From small things BIG things... Read more
We take special care in Preschool Grade RR an Grade R. Baby Unit. After care Read more
Nursery school for kids aged 3-13 years. Gr 0, Gr RR and Gr R.. After school care for Primary school kids Gr 1- Gr 7'.The Primary school is 400 meters from our school and we fetch the kids in the afternoons. Meals are provided by us.We are open during school holidays. We are a Christian school and children are taught to respect each other and always do their best. . Books and stationary are provided by us.Rugby and Netball classes weekly. We have a yearly... Read more
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Babbelbekkies Dagsorg Sentrum bestaan al 18 jaar. Die Dagsorg is 'n Christelike skooltjie en word volgens Christelike beginsels bedryf. Liefde vir Jesus----vir mekaar ----en vir ander. Ons waardes sluit in: Christelike geloof....Dissipline...Veiligheid...Professionaliteit en uitmuntende dienslewering....Respek....Eerlikheid, Integriteit, Lojaliteit...... Read more
Kleine Mensies is die ideale dagsorg vir babas en peuters van 0 maande tot 3 jaar. Kleine Mensies is jou baba se liefdevolle huis as Mamma en Pappa moet gaan werk. Read more
It is a centre for kids with special needs like autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome etc. We use a specialised curriculum based on the child's ability and needs. We also have different therapy options available depending on the child. Every child is unique, but so much can be achieved in the right environment with the right support. The sky is the limit! Contact us know for more information. Read more
Arty Fun creative play sessions for parents and toddlers. Arty Tots focuses on sensory play and fine motor activities. Arty Tots is for ages 18 months to 4 years of age. Getting dirty is part of the fun! Small classes for individual attention. Arty Tots will also benefit toddlers with learning disabilities, autism, ADHD and SID. Classes for special need kids up to age 7. Arty Kidz is for 5-15 years old. You can either attend the workshops at our place or classes can be held at your... Read more