- Portion 130 of Farm Friedenheim 282, R40, White River, Mpumalanga
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- Awards: #25 Most Popular in Mpumalanga for 2024
Childcare for kids - White River
Best match results for childcare for kids in White River + 5km.
Kiaat Ridge Pre - Primary is a place where early learning takes place under the supervision of qualified pre - school teachers that are passionate about working with children.At Kiaat Ridge Pre - Primary your children are our first priority.Our vision is to develop creative, values in young nurtured minds. Read more
Benjamin Bloom once said 33% of a child's total thinking ability is captured before the age of six, a further 42% by the age of 11 and the further 25% from the age of 18. How incredibly important is a child's preschool years then when one keeps in mind that the next 42% and 25% are determined by the quality of the first 33%. In other words, it means that the first 6 years, to a large extent, writes the recipe for a child's school life. That is why we at Goggaliefies believe in four words: Small... Read more
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A full day foundation phase. Ages: 1-9 years. Grades: RRR-3. Meals and all resources provided. Read more
Classes are available for total beginners and more advanced students and they will go on a journey to a new world of color, texture and shape. Classes include The use of sewing supplies and accessories Basics of sewing How does a sewing machine work How does an overlooker/serger work Use of an iron Various sewing processes Read and use patterns Create your own tailors dummy Make your own patterns Appliqué Patchwork Quilting Basic upholstery Repair and recycling. Visit our website. Read more
Kleine Mensies is die ideale dagsorg vir babas en peuters van 0 maande tot 3 jaar. Kleine Mensies is jou baba se liefdevolle huis as Mamma en Pappa moet gaan werk. Read more
I offer private tutoring for your child. I specialise in early childhood education with a focus on literacy and reading skills. My approach to tutoring focuses on each individual child and their particular needs and interests. I aim to provide an environment in which each child develops their talents and competences to their personal best. I believe in a inquiry based learning model where students are encouraged to ask questions and discover meaning for deeper levels of understanding. Each session... Read more