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Childcare for kids - Thaba Tshwane (0187)

Pretoria, Gauteng

Best match results for childcare for kids in Thaba Tshwane + 5km.

    Preschool for ages 3 months to 5 years. Operating from 6:30 to 17:30. Following a formal curriculum. Read more

    Bekostigbare Dagsorg by ervare dagmoeder met Vroeë Kinder Ontwikkeling ondervinding en 'n passie vir kinders. - 5 min vanaf R101 - Ure 6h30 - 18h00 - Baba's 0-2 jaar. - Oop tydens Desember en skool vakansies. Affordable Day care provided by an experienced caregiver with a background in Early Childhood Development and who adores children! - 5min from R101 - Hours 6h30 - 18h00 - Children ages 0-2 years - Open during December and school holidays. Read more

    Education Preschools

    preschool for kids aged 3months to 6 years Read more

    Other related businesses in and around Thaba Tshwane (within 20km)

    New Beginning Pre-primary Bourke (Pty) Ltd founded in 2007 in Sunnyside, Pretoria CBD. * Babies to Grade R * Qualified Teachers * All Meals Included * Dietician Approved Menu * Private School * Superior Curriculum * Open During School Holidays * Extra-mural Activities * School Hours 06h00 to 18h00 Enrol now! Read more

    One to one teaching based on physical and emotional milestones where respect for uniqueness has a positive impact on your child and family growth. Een tot een onderrig gebasseer op fisiese en emosionele mylpale waar respek vir uniekheid 'n positiewe impak op jou kind en gesin se groei het. Read more

    Tiny Bakers started baking classes in Centurion for age groups 3-5, 6 to 11, and 12-15 years old. When moms want to spend some quality time with their children, we have classes where they mom or dad bake with their child. The prices of the baking classes range between R280 and R380 per child attending. Moms or Dads pay R100 for attending and participating in their little one's baking. We are doing fun things like our chocolate cake and Mother's day cakes, Father's day pirate cupcakes or cooking... Read more

    Ultimate Care 4 Kids offers the very best in care and education for your children starting from 3 months of age. Our classes are small and intimate allowing for that one on one attention your children deserve !! Our highly trained staff are always on hand to assist where necessary and feedback on your child's progress is continuous. We have an holistic approach to your child's education which means we are always updating our methods and most importantly the children learn through a combination of... Read more

    PLG Schools is an affordable, quality, independent education group with a vision to make independent learning more accessible to communities across the country. PLG Schools aim to bridge the financial gap between government school fees and the elite Independent School fees, bringing the benefits of independent school learning to many more young minds. PLG Schools offer a co-ed learning environment with a maximum of 25 learners per class, from Pre-Primary to Matric, with English as the primary language... Read more

    Experience preschool as it should be. Bizzy Beez is a leading Early Childhood Development facility situated in Rooihuiskraal, Centurion. We like to think of our facility as the hive where children thrive We provide unrivalled service to children aged 3 months - 6 years. In addition, we offer a safe and punctual transport service exclusively to the children attending Bizzy Beez. We are undeniably unique, culturally diverse, spiritually vibrant and educationally brilliant. Our philosophy... Read more

    Let your child fulfil their potential in a friendly, spacious environment. Safely situated within Cornwall Hill Country Estate. Small classes ensure individualised attention. Bilingual, 14 months - 3 years of age. The first five years of a child's life are fundamentally important. From birth to age 5, a child's brain develops more, and more rapidly, than at any other time in life. These first few years are the foundation that shapes children's future health, happiness, growth, development... Read more

    Education Before & After School Care

    Part of an international company that is operating in over 250 schools supported by over 115 franchisees servicing over 6000 families. Sherpa Kids is an out of school hours care business. Sherpa Kids comprises aftercare, holiday care and before school care. The services are managed by franchisees who employ staff to directly operate on school properties. Services are staffed by qualified personnel who meet minimum standards as prescribed by the brand as well as International Best Practice. Each... Read more

    Rainbow Montessori provides a dynamic environment in which to build an academic and cultural foundation, while adhering to Montessori principles. Rainbow Montessori offers tuition in English and in French (our teachers are either French or English mother tongue). We structure our curriculum according to your child's individual needs and pace. At Rainbow Montessori, your child comes first. Montessori is the active personal pursuit of many different experiences, physical, social, emotional and cognitive. Rainbow... Read more

    We are one of the oldest Pre-Primary schools in Pretoria (since 1946) We are open 07h00 to 17h00 Monday to Friday. We are open from January until the first week in December Qualified, dedicated Pre-Primary school teachers We take learners from 1 year up to grade R Smaller classes each with teacher and assistant to give individual attention to each learner Language medium is English Grade R class using CAPS Emphasis on improving English language skills Dance, Catrobatkidz and Computer classes available University... Read more

    Heartbeat’s Head Office is situated in Pretoria, with Fourteen After School Centres in seven of South Africa’s provinces that focus on capacity building, leadership, educational support and sustainability of our youth and assisting in community development. Our beneficiaries are 100% black youths. Heartbeat exists to empower orphaned and vulnerable children to reach their full potential through quality service delivery, development and capacity building. Over the past fifteen years, our organization... Read more

    Little Village Christian Nursery School is a culturally diverse school, which has been proudly catering to the needs of our community since 1987. We open at 06h15 in the morning and close at 17h30. We are open during the school holidays with the exception of 3 weeks over the Christmas period. We have five classes and our children range in age from 4 months to 5 years old. Under the loving attention and gentle Christian guidance of their teachers and assistants, children of Little Village... Read more

    A school where the teachers has a ❤️ And absolut love for children! Your child is our priority! Read more

    Carefree Kid's Montessori Mission: The mission of Carefree Kid's Montessori Centre is to develop a child physically, socially, spiritually and intellectually. To care for and love the child in a prepared and stimulated environment where the smallest will be provided with the best. The School: * Is a dual medium school * Is a Christian school * South African Montessori Association (SAMA) registered * Accommodates babies - 6 year old children * Is open from 07:00 - 17:00 * Extra murals:... Read more

    Gr.R to Gr.7 | Homework Centre & Aftercare | Home Schooling Tutor Centre (Impaq Curriculum) Dorie Stars is situated opposite the main entrance of Doringkloof Primary Hall. A family-run Tutor Centre and Aftercare that is passionate about actively investing in the next generation, equipping learners with valuable life skills and tools that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. We help Gr.R to Gr.7 learners develop a positive attitude towards schoolwork and homework. We encourage... Read more

    Slimste Aspatat is jou kind se tweede tuiste waar hy of sy deel word van 'n familie. Ons leer deur spel en al ons personeel is toegerus met die nodige kennis en ervaring om jou prins of prinses gereed te maak vir Gr. R. Ons omgewing, liefde en etes staan sonder twyfel uit bo die res. Slimste Aspatat voorsien elke dag ontbyt, middagete en peuselhappies 15:00. Ons kook daagliks en gebruik onder andere slegs gesonde olies, kruie en vars groente en vleis om etes so voedsaam moontlik te maak. Daar... Read more

    499 Sannie street,pretoria gardens A Great Preschool, Day Care and After school care in the Pretoria gardens area. In the Van Der Hoff main road opposite Auto zone to make is easier to pick and drop your child going to and from work. We are open from 6 am-6pm and we take from 0-6years (Grade R) We strive to offer children the best education where they are able to develop and acquire essential life skills,development and expertise they require to face the world Read more

    We at CBA Aftercare provide a unique service. Any parent, including Ballet parents, can leave their child(ren) in our care in the afternoons. CBA Aftercare provide a comfortable and safe environment where children can do homework (under supervision) and study before and after their class. We also provide a healthy lunch and late afternoon snack. Read more

    Where affordability and quality counts. We have a passion for children that ensures an optimal learning and growing curve for your child. Roohuiskraal Dagsorg is al vir meer as 15 jaar in besigheid, en ons twyfel nie dat ons nog vir baie jare sal wees nie. Ons word gelei deur ervare en opgeleide bestuur. Ons onderwysers het 'n liefde en passie vir kinders en daarom verseker ons 'n optimale groeikurwe vir U kind. Ons fokus is op die verskaffing van ryk leergeleenthede en opvoedkundige selfstandigheid.... Read more

    Day care centre Our mission is to provide each child with a strong foundation for life-long learning and inspiration to excel. We focus on the cleanliness and hygiene of the surroundings, appropriate stimulation of the child and most importantly, the happiness and contentment of each and every child. Individual attention is important to us. Read more

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