Home Care for Kids - Bojanala Platinum

North West Province

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    Tiny Bakers started baking classes in Centurion for age groups 3-5, 6 to 11, and 12-15 years old. When moms want to spend some quality time with their children, we have classes where they mom or dad bake with their child. The prices of the baking classes range between R280 and R380 per child attending. Moms or Dads pay R100 for attending and participating in their little one's baking. We are doing fun things like our chocolate cake and Mother's day cakes, Father's day pirate cupcakes or cooking... Read more

    Education Early Learning Education Centres

    A loving home away from home where learning is seen as play. We are an English medium school for ages 18 months to 12 years, utilising the internationally recognised Montessori curriculum. We strive to help every child develop a true love of learning. Read more

    An up-market classic large Plot Nursery and Boarding School ,Learning Centre set in a good suburbs area, in close vicinity to Waterval Mall. Advantages >Good, safe, clean environment with security and neighborhood watch. >English-Medium Toddlers School Preparation and Early Learning in Progress. Grade RR child is enrolled into Formal Learning at 3Years. >School Environment with Uniforms and Stationery and Lessons. > Perfect, large manicured lawn gardens and yard for complete freedom... Read more

    Ons is 'n afrikaanse kleuterskool gebaseer op Christelike waardes. Opgeleide personeel Wonderlike speelgrond met baie opvoedkundige aktiwiteite Klein groepies om individuele aandag te verseker "Littleone" kurrikulum word gevolg Gebalanseerde ontbyt Read more

    An English-Medium Christian School offering formal classes from Grade RR (Child Age 4 years) to Grade 7. Services: > Primary School Grade R to Grade 7, High School, Extra Lessons, Homework Centre, Aftercare Services. Join us today. Read more

    ActionBall South Africa provides children from the age of 1 and up the opportunity to learn through fun. Our classes have been specifically designed with children in mind. ActionBall is aimed at developing motor skills and physical strength in young children. Most of all, it's about being active and having fun and to top it all off we are affordablr and have a great group of people Read more

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