Day Care for Kids - Kabokweni (1245)

White River, Mpumalanga

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    Kiaat Ridge Pre - Primary is a place where early learning takes place under the supervision of qualified pre - school teachers that are passionate about working with children.At Kiaat Ridge Pre - Primary your children are our first priority.Our vision is to develop creative, values in young nurtured minds. Read more

    Benjamin Bloom once said 33% of a child's total thinking ability is captured before the age of six, a further 42% by the age of 11 and the further 25% from the age of 18. How incredibly important is a child's preschool years then when one keeps in mind that the next 42% and 25% are determined by the quality of the first 33%. In other words, it means that the first 6 years, to a large extent, writes the recipe for a child's school life. That is why we at Goggaliefies believe in four words: Small... Read more

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