- 16901 Walter Sisulu Zamdela, Sasolburg 1947, Free State
- 2 km from Naledi
Community Activities for Kids - Naledi (1947)
Best match results for community activities for kids in Naledi + 5km.
- 655 LEGWALE STREET, TLADI, Naledi 1947, Free State
- Business can travel to you
We Play to Win Champion athletes aren’t just born - they’re selected, trained, molded and tested. Since 2000, diepsloot all stars has been the premiere house of champions in diepsloot . We hone raw talent to maturity with quality coaching, primal workouts and a true love of the sport. Teamwork, loyalty, camaraderie - those are the three things that make up diepsloot all stars Read more
Other related businesses in and around Naledi (within 20km)
Swimkidz SA was established in 2006 and is currently training 800-1000 learners with Swimming Lessons throughout South Africa, and we believe that EVERY child should undergo Swimming Lessons early in his/her life. It could prevent your child from becoming another statistic. Swimkidz SA is a franchise which specializes in the Learn to Swim program and advanced Swimming Lessons. Swimkidz SA currently has 6 franchises: Sasolburg, Meyerton, Randfontein and 3 in Vanderbijlpark. The main focus of training... Read more
- please call us for enquiries, Sharpeville 1928, Gauteng
- 10-20 km from Naledi
We empower the mind through information ,advice and referral.referral . We also have programs that challenges the subconscious mind so one sees the need to be better than the man he is today. Read more
- please call us for enquiries, Sharpeville 1928, Gauteng
- 10-20 km from Naledi