Cadets for Kids - Lyttelton Manor (0046)

Centurion, Gauteng

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    Other businesses in and around Lyttelton Manor (within 20km)

    Tiny Bakers started baking classes in Centurion for age groups 3-5, 6 to 11, and 12-15 years old. When moms want to spend some quality time with their children, we have classes where they mom or dad bake with their child. The prices of the baking classes range between R280 and R380 per child attending. Moms or Dads pay R100 for attending and participating in their little one's baking. We are doing fun things like our chocolate cake and Mother's day cakes, Father's day pirate cupcakes or cooking... Read more

    Welcome to the house of the Wingulian, Wingu Academy's Smart School in Centurion where innovation meets education! Our Smart School is a dynamic hub of learning and growth. With an open-concept layout, we cultivate an environment where collaboration and creativity flourish What We Offer: Wingu Centurion Learning Hub and Smart School Discover the ultimate destination for your childs education at Wingu Centurion Learning Hub and Smart School! Wingu Prep: *Stage 1-6 *British International... Read more

    We are based in Mnandi Centurion lose to most amenities such as Forresthill Mall and Mall at 55. Only 10km from Kyalami Equestrian Park and the Lippizaners . We cater for any person with a passion to learn horseriding - your dream to achieve, will become our focus for you as an individual We offer private lessons to both children and adults and occassionally a few spots are available for stabling your horse with us. Group lessons are only offered to those with their own horses stabled Those... Read more

    Slimste Aspatat is jou kind se tweede tuiste waar hy of sy deel word van 'n familie. Ons leer deur spel en al ons personeel is toegerus met die nodige kennis en ervaring om jou prins of prinses gereed te maak vir Gr. R. Ons omgewing, liefde en etes staan sonder twyfel uit bo die res. Slimste Aspatat voorsien elke dag ontbyt, middagete en peuselhappies 15:00. Ons kook daagliks en gebruik onder andere slegs gesonde olies, kruie en vars groente en vleis om etes so voedsaam moontlik te maak. Daar... Read more

    Tree Tops Montessori is not just another Preschool................. We offer small classes of only 12 children per qualified teacher and have a staff to child ratio of 1-5. This ratio ensures individual attention and results in accelerated learning. At Tree Tops we create a learning environment which is happy and full of exciting discoveries and where each child is allowed the freedom to develop their own work-rhythm. Our children are thoroughly prepared for future learning. We primarily use the... Read more

    The agency was co-founded by Adl and Mardo van Heerden, photographer and booker of Steele Model Studio who also brings a wealth of business knowledge and experience to the business. This dynamic duo ensure that their models are properly marketed and gaining opportunities in television commercials, advertising stills, fashion editorials, fashion shows and hair shows. Some of the models have already reached high profiles in the local modelling industry and some are already in demand for the international... Read more

    SHIDO Fighting Systems is situated in Centurion, Pretoria since 2009 and is one of South Africa's leading Kickboxing and Fitness training facilities. We have programs to suit any gender and level whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete. At SHIDO we also offer Anti-Bullying Classes. Our goal is to encourage confidence in your child so they can overcome bullies without violence. We take a non-violent approach and will teach your child to use verbal assertiveness to deter bullies and how... Read more

    Something magical happens when you move to music with your child – little sparks of light explode as the neurons form connections, a wonderful fire work display of developing human potential! Different areas of her brain are activated, functions at a higher level and enables optimal learning. In our Kindermusik class with an international qualified Educator, you will discover what research has proven time and time again: that movement and music used together foster brain development and improve... Read more

    Where affordability and quality counts. We have a passion for children that ensures an optimal learning and growing curve for your child. Roohuiskraal Dagsorg is al vir meer as 15 jaar in besigheid, en ons twyfel nie dat ons nog vir baie jare sal wees nie. Ons word gelei deur ervare en opgeleide bestuur. Ons onderwysers het 'n liefde en passie vir kinders en daarom verseker ons 'n optimale groeikurwe vir U kind. Ons fokus is op die verskaffing van ryk leergeleenthede en opvoedkundige selfstandigheid.... Read more

    Bekostigbare Dagsorg by ervare dagmoeder met Vroeë Kinder Ontwikkeling ondervinding en 'n passie vir kinders. - 5 min vanaf R101 - Ure 6h30 - 18h00 - Baba's 0-2 jaar. - Oop tydens Desember en skool vakansies. Affordable Day care provided by an experienced caregiver with a background in Early Childhood Development and who adores children! - 5min from R101 - Hours 6h30 - 18h00 - Children ages 0-2 years - Open during December and school holidays. Read more

    A dynamic company with programs aimed at the holistic development and empowerment of young people through sports, and supporting everyone towards clarity of healthy living. The company offers several robust sports development programs, a strong career management team, and a wellness team that is young, trained and qualified to best serve our clients. We believe in creating, liberating, and enabling spaces for young people to engage and overcome societal challenges, in proactive and innovative ways. Services... Read more

    PLG Schools is an affordable, quality, independent education group with a vision to make independent learning more accessible to communities across the country. PLG Schools aim to bridge the financial gap between government school fees and the elite Independent School fees, bringing the benefits of independent school learning to many more young minds. PLG Schools offer a co-ed learning environment with a maximum of 25 learners per class, from Pre-Primary to Matric, with English as the primary language... Read more

    Experience preschool as it should be. Bizzy Beez is a leading Early Childhood Development facility situated in Rooihuiskraal, Centurion. We like to think of our facility as the hive where children thrive We provide unrivalled service to children aged 3 months - 6 years. In addition, we offer a safe and punctual transport service exclusively to the children attending Bizzy Beez. We are undeniably unique, culturally diverse, spiritually vibrant and educationally brilliant. Our philosophy... Read more

    Gymnastics Club for from Pre- School to Olympic Level. The Head Coach and owner of the club is Christo Malan. A Former protea gymnast who competed for South Africa at the worlds and Africa championships where he came home with a silver and Bronze medal. He is also one of the Top Brevet Judges in South Africa. We have had excellent results since the club started in 2014. The 1st year 75% of the gymnasts qualified for the SA Championships and in 2015 67 of the 68 gymnast entered qualified. We had 7... Read more

    We are a Chocolate and Cone factory.We manufacture a wide range of chocolate products. Ice cream dips, melting chocolate, chocolate vermicelli, chocolate sprinkles and chocolate blocks. Our cone factory manufactures sugar cones, wafer baskets, ice cream cones, flat bottom cones and fan wafers Read more

    We offer Skillz age specific Martial arts classes for kids, Combat Taekwondo, Weapons training, Competition training. We specialise in making students of all ages champions in life through martial arts training. Master West's Taekwondo/Karate has been in business since 1986. We have academies in the following areas of Pretoria: Annlin, this is our headquarter branch! we have been in the same building since 1997. Our Annlin academy is over 200 sq metres and boasts with state of the art equipment.... Read more

    Sports Horse Riding Classes & Lessons

    Intimate Riding School and livery for kids of all ages. Regular pony camps and fun days. Passionate, experiened and qualified instructors teach from complete beginners to advanced competitive riders. Ponies availble to half bait or lease. Exquisite setting and facilities including zip slides, play park and braai area, tree houses and safe riding areas (no riding on the road) Read more

    We are a well established Nursery School operating in Waterfall with over 50 years of collective experience amongst our staff. Our vision is to make Waterfall Kids Academy a home away from home for your child. That way they can be happy in their environment and you can go to work knowing that your child is well cared for. We will be focusing on your child's social, emotional, physical, artistic and moral development. Regular feedback will be given regarding these areas of development. We... Read more

    At Tango's Tots we aim to encourage learning in a warm and caring environment. To meet these aims, enthusiastic, well-trained staff members look after our children. The children enjoy an up-to-date CAPS/ELDA approved program. We have modern equipment and large well cared for outdoor facilities. Safety and development of the whole child is our main priority Learning is made enjoyable, and we aim to ensure a well-balanced foundation for your child's future. Read more

    Professional photography services for all kids birthday parties in Gauteng. We provide a professional on-site photography service to capture those memorable birthday party moments of your child in a fun & playful way. We also have a range of modern photo albums to make these memories last a lifetime. Kiddies party photography | photography for kids birthday parties | photographer for toddlers Read more

    Unity College caters for children aged 3 (Early Intervention Centre | EIC) - 24+ years of age (Vocational Training Centre | VTC). Barriers to Learning may be due to low vision, cochlea implants, epilepsy, motor vehicle accidents, birth trauma, genetic disorders, dyslexia, medical conditions and / or general developmental delays. Unity College is a wheelchair friendly school. An ISASA affiliated Independent School with proudly over 31 years experience in Special Needs Education. Weekly Group Speech... Read more

    Help your kidsPlay Explore Grow (Timber, Plastic, Steel Playground Equipment and Kids Entertainment) Since 2012, Moppets Play World has provided creative, soft playground systems to family entertainment centres, restaurants, churches, retail shopping centres, zoos/aquariums, resort hotels, children's hospitals, dental offices, fitness facilities, recreation centres, municipalities and other not for profit organizations. So what really is a Moppet? Moppet simply means a small, sweet and endearing... Read more

    We believe in every child and are committed to helping them become the best they can be! We do this by recognizing their individual strengths, nurturing who they are and helping them unlock their unique potential. Due to the rapidly changing and increasingly dynamic career landscape our children will face, they need to be firmly grounded in ingenuity, creativity and adaptability. Therefore our focus, besides education, is on developing the characteristics that will enable them to take initiative,... Read more

    Centurion Junior Squash is a coaching group where all players from pre-school to Gr. 12 can join with the primary goal to learn the game of squash~ Centurion Junior Squash is 'n groep waar juniors vanaf voorskool tot Gr 12 afrigting ontvang en met passie hulle liefde vir die sport muurbal uitleef! Read more

    Unity College is an independent special needs school which promotes the potential of learners through the provision of high quality education in order to equip each learner with skills to become productive, integrated members of society. Most of our learners have some learning difficulties or developmental delay, making Unity College ideal for the learner who has experienced academic difficulties in a mainstream or remedial school but is sufficiently able to access our specialised curriculum offering.... Read more

    Heavenly Co is a rental company that can cater for all your rental needs. We Manufacture, Repair and hire our Jumping Castes of all shapes and sizes We also rent out Kids and Adults chairs and table, Tents of different types, And Many More Call or WhatsApp or Like our Face Book Page at Heavenly Co. Read more

    I love to share my passion for art with my students. I offer private classes for children and adults and group classes for children. We can follow a cirruculum or free flow according to the need of the student. I do art festival coaching. Focus on developing the art skill of the student. Exposure to different techniques and materials.I do focus on Art theory and art history as well. Read more

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