Pottery for Kids in Western Cape
Best match results for pottery for kids in Western Cape.
Helene Wehmeyer is a qualified art teacher, art therapist, NLP practitioner and Life coach Fine arts, pottery & sculpture classes for kids & adults The strongest single factor in acquiring Abundance is Self-esteem: Believing you can do it, Believing you deserve it, Believing you will get it. Jerry Gillies We all have our own perception of our lives in general and it is often clouded by excuses and reasons why we cannot commit to Abundance in ourselves (and our children). Every-one... Read more
Pottery and crafts. We specialise in creativity and motor-skills development, for children from age 3 at their schools, by using pottery and crafts as a medium. Our creativity programme uses methodologies supported by Dr Kobus Neethling (NBI/South African Creativity Foundation/Kobus Neethling Group) and as such we are an extra-mural activity endorsed by Dr Kobus Neethling. Our motor-skills programme was drawn up with Betsie Vlok, lecturer in occupational therapy, Faculty of Health Science, University... Read more
We all have a part of us that is seeking out answers that arise in our minds and hearts, a part of ourselves looking for peace and restoration. Making art with others can be a process of uncovering such questions and finding new meanings and answers. In my course I facilitate the creativity of the individual, and incorporate a meditative process of hearing and learning. I am a graduate of Fine Art from Stellenbosch University, specialising in book-binding, performance and installation. I have... Read more
- Clay Atelier, Nammu - 58 Loop Street, Cape Town City 8001, Western Cape
- Business can travel to you
~ erth P L A Y pottery workshops & offerings _____ W H A T TO E X P E C T (besides a morning of fun clay play) ~ With no experience needed you will be guided to use various clay techniques to create and paint your own beautiful piece/s using your hands and imagination ~ We offer clay parties and would love to celebrate your special day with you! ~ To be part of your team building event would be amazing! _____ ~ W O R K S H O P details ~ S A T U R D A Y mornings 10:30am... Read more