Craft Activities for Kids - Centurion
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ARTS AND CRAFTS CLASSES Canvas Club Waterkloof Glen offers weekly arts & crafts classes for 18 months to 13 year old children during the school term as well as a holiday club during school vacations. All classes are R100 per class, which includes all the materials. Children learn and develop better when they are involved in a fully interactive, multidimensional and sensory experience. Being engaged in arts & crafts offers that opportunity. An arts & crafts session promotes from the smallest... Read more
Kuns is nie net ‘n lekker tydverdryf nie, dit is ook baie opvoedkunding vir jong kinders: - Bevorder fyn- en groot motoriese bewegings - Leer jou kind om die linker- en regterkant van sy brein te gebruik - Leer om van begin tot einde ‘n produk te voltooi - Bevorder ‘n goeie selfbeeld want elke kunswerk is uniek en ‘n meesterstuk! Sien uit om julle Klein Kabouters te ontmoet! Read more