- Clay Atelier, Nammu - 58 Loop Street, Cape Town City 8001, Western Cape
- 2 km from Waterfront
- Business can travel to you
Ceramics for Kids - Waterfront (8001)
Cape Town, Western Cape
Best match results for ceramics for kids in Waterfront + 5km.
~ erth P L A Y pottery workshops & offerings _____ W H A T TO E X P E C T (besides a morning of fun clay play) ~ With no experience needed you will be guided to use various clay techniques to create and paint your own beautiful piece/s using your hands and imagination ~ We offer clay parties and would love to celebrate your special day with you! ~ To be part of your team building event would be amazing! _____ ~ W O R K S H O P details ~ S A T U R D A Y mornings 10:30am... Read more