
Canvas Club Waterkloof Glen

Craft Classes & Lessons - Waterkloof Glen (Gauteng)
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Business Address: 445 Joy street Waterkloof Glen 0181 Gauteng

Business can travel to you


Business contacts Anneke Le Roux

In business since 1 April 2019

Number of staff 2-10

Type of sessions 1-on-1, Group

Gender Female, Male

Kids age groups 0-3 years old, 4-6 years old, 10-12 years old, 7-9 years old, 13-15 years old, 15-18 years old

Wheelchair access Yes

Cafeteria on site No

Service location Our location, Your home

Disability and special needs facilities Yes

After-hour services available Yes

Costs Per term, Per session / class

Details of these costs R120 per class. 10% discount on term enrolment (incl. all material). Inquire cost per child for birthday parties

Payment options Direct Deposit

Opening & Closing time 9:00 - 16:00

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Overall rating: 5   5 3 Canvas Club Waterkloof Glen
  • Carmen
    4 1 1 5 Report Review
    A big smile every time!
    Canvas Club is probably the highlight of my girl's week! She always come home super excited about the project she made and play with it until it falls apart and we have to stick it back together again and again. It's great fun!
  • Evette
    4 1 1 5 Report Review
    I recommend Canvas Club Waterkloof Glen
    Fun and creative way to spend time with your little one. Suitable for the whole family????
  • Madeleine
    4 1 1 5 Report Review
    Loving Canvas Club Waterkloof Glen!
    I highly recommend joining Canvas Club Waterkloof Glen. Anneke has a passion for kids, being creative comes so easy for her and one cannot help to feel so inspired in every class. Not only does my kids enjoy Canvas Club, I secretly look foward to each class myself :) Quality time with my boys in a creative environment = pure bliss!!! There are so many activities available out there, be sure to put Canvas Club at the top of your list to join :)

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